I’m not sure how I’m actually turning forty this year??!! I still feel twenty-seven and you know, I’m going with it. I’ve always been one to embrace trying something new, taking a risk, and TRYING . . . and you know sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Life is such a gift, such a journey and always there to teach you something along the way.
Turning forty, is one of those times, dare I say leading up to it even a few years prior, where you find youself really taking a big look into this thing called life. Rather than call it a mid-life crisis, I’d like to redefine “midlife.” It has this negative conotation, like “did you do enough, life is short, or you better hurry up because time is running out.” I’d like to challenge us to think about it differently.
Forty feels pretty freakin fabulous….. (so far)!! Through all the decades, one thing I’ve come to know is learning to find “joy through adversity.” Through all the challenges, and good times too, life is here to teach us and stretch us into the people we are becoming and that my friends is good.
With that, here is a little collection of my thoughts (and reflections) on turning forty coupled with my favorite four things: Fashion, Faith, Family and the Farm.
Let’s dive in!
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(Details: Jumpsuit, Hat, Boots)
Fashion and styling has been apart of me from a very young age. I have been dressing myself since the age of two! I’ve always loved fashion and not just for myself but doing it service of others brings me so much joy. It’s the ultimate fulfillment, when you see someone light up, so confident and loving who they are. A good outfit can change everything. It really can.
As I’ve gotten older (while turning forty this year), I think about style in a much different way; especially when I’m helping clients. I believe your style should reflect who you are becoming.
Because it’s more than the clothes, it’s the person you are turning into. We are evolving everyday, changing, growing and we should be celebrating that!
As I’ve grown and evolved, I’ve been embracing more color and pattern which is shocking if you’ve known me for a long time. Pattern was really nonexistent and I stuck to a lot of neutrals. And while neither of those are necessarily bad, it’s been so fun to expand my style into incorporating pops of vibrant color and patterns that are approachable and classic. I’m really loving it while continuing to embrace who I’m becoming!
Does your closet look tired these days? Or are you feeling in a style rut and could use a little clothing refresh?
If you answered yes, we should connect!
It’s never to late to become who you want to be and I believe your style should reflect that. Whether you are looking for what to wear for new headshots or you are looking to add a few new pieces to your wardobe this season or you are looking for family photo outfit coordination – I’ve got you covered!
Reflection: Who are you becoming?

(Details: Jumpsuit, Hat, Boots)
Faith is just one of those things . . . . without it I would be so lost. With the all the hardships, loss, starting over, trying again – without faith, there would be nothing to hold onto to get you through.
I love how Bob Goff describes faith, “faith isn’t figuring out what we’re able to do, it’s deciding what we’re going to do – even when we think we can’t.” I love this quote for so many reasons. When I think back on the last few decades, it was the times I decided to do something different, to take action, to push through, to not give up, were the times when I saw the biggest reward.
I often think about this idea of thinking less and doing more. When we “do more” and take action it deepens our faith muscle because we are making the choice to step out even when we don’t know “how” it will turn out.
Reflection: Where in your life can you think less and do more (take meaningful action)?

I think of my son Cameron all day everyday, like most of us do with our children. The older he gets the wiser he becomes. And to me, he has always been what I call “an old soul.” He is always reminding me, “mom, you know family is the most important thing.” And I smile everytime he says it.
The older I get the more I cherish those around me. I’m taking in this precious time we have, while doing my best to juggle it all.
My favorite family memories are when I’m doing something simple, like playing soccer with Cam in the driveway or watching the kids run after the Easter eggs during our annual Easter Egg Hunt festivities here at the farm.
While I love a good vacation, I love being home more – just hanging around the farm with my family doing simple things. Just the other week I was helping my husband strain the maple syrup (we tapped from our maple trees) into glass mason jars to hand out to family and friends. It was simply sweet.
Reflection: What simple things bring you the most joy with your family?

Oh the farm, my happy place for sure . . . it is just fills my cup. There is not a day that goes by I’m not grateful for the view and all the years it took us to get here. That feels like biggest blessing.
For those that are new here, we spent the first part of our life in a town we both grew up in. After many years there, we started talking about building a home someday. After drawing up our plans and getting everything finalized while looking for a new lot, everything changed.
We ended up finding a listing for a 1910 old Victorian farmhouse in an area we always dreamed of living. I’ll never forget the day we showed up to look at it, thinking it would be a complete dump only to pull in the driveway, look around and take one step inside and realize this was it while simultaneously thinking what are we doing??!!!
The farm has changed our lives in so many ways. Probably the biggest lesson initally was realizing “brand new” isn’t always better along with learning to embrace the imperfect.

The farm has been such a reminder of what is possible. We have spent a lot of time and money on repairing and bring things back to life including: a new roof, a new chimney, new siding, a new porch floor and ceiling, new gutters, repairing old fencing and fixing the barn to name a few! This year we plan to tackle new landscaping around the house, new patio area and adding a new bonfire pit.
We have an old house – full of possibilities and potential. It’s a good reminder that choosing the “harder” thing can be the most rewarding.
Reflection: Where is your happy place?
While turning forty is a big milestone, I’m certain the best years are ahead and I hope the same for you!
Photo Credit: Willow & Wren Photography
-Natalie, xo

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