October is officially behind us and we are headed into what feels like the last weeks of fall. Per Google the last day of fall is December 22, can you even believe that?! Even though most of the leaves have fallen off the trees here in Minnesota, I’m still holding on to what’s left and wanted to share an October recap of fall at the farm and life.
Join me and let’s dive in!
I took a little break from social media and it was a nice way to reset as we are coming into a season of reflection. Thank you for hanging with me!
I have a wooden sign I received as gift this past year from an amazing woman in my life who I’m lucky to know. The sign sits right above our kitchen sink, on the window ledge overlooking the farm. It says three words: faith, family, farm. When I received it I remember thinking – it’s perfect; it’s everything I love.
Last month, especially in the last few weeks I have been coming back to those three words. I don’t know if it’s the changing seasons or what but I’ve caught myself looking-up at that sign and looking out the window.

(Outfit Details: Sweatshirt, Watch, Jeans)
If you know me, you know faith is central to my everyday. I can say with 100% certainty without it, I would be totally lost, like really lost. I don’t know about you, but feeling “lost” in life is just that – it’s a part of life. Whether it’s your personal life, friends, your career, or trying to navigate what’s next, I think we can all agree feeling “lost” happens.
It’s been a goal of mine as of late to work hard on being still, getting quiet and just being with my faith and God. With the seasons changing, it’s a time of reflection and solutide and I’ve been challenging myself to do just that – reflect and be still. And you know what? It’s been good.
I recently picked up this new book, “A Real Good Life” by Stevie and Sazan Hendrix. If you’ve been following along, you’ve seen me link this book in my Instagram stories a few weeks back. It’s all about intentionally cultivating the simple, everday moments that make up a real good life. Life today is SO instant and SO distracting. This book is such a great read all about slowing down, looking up and looking out. I think we could all use that encouragement and permission in our own lives. I highly recommend grabbing a copy – you won’t be disappointed.

(Outfit Details: Sweatshirt, Watch, Jeans)
October was a busy month but full of fall family outings. We hit up our favorite apple orchard, the Luce Line Orchard, which is chalk full of all the things. Cameron jumped in the corn pit, rode a pony, we picked out a few big pumpkins, jumped on hay bales and just enjoyed.
My Dad always says, it’s the simple things that are the best things and I couldn’t agree more. October was a time to enjoy what was all around and embrace the outdoors.
We packed it in with local apple orchard visits, to fall fishing off the dock at our favorite nearby lake, running around after our chickens, playing with Wally the farm cat and ending the month with a trip to the family cabin in Wisconsin.

Oh the farm…it’s my favorite, it’s a such special place. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t look out and think how grateful I feel. If you want to read the story of how we landed at the farm you can read it here.
The farm saw a lot of people this fall season with my styling business. I had a handful of styling shoots with my photographer friends who are talented beyond measure. You know who you are! There were fall family photos to high school seniors. I love getting the chance to share the farm. My favorite part? It’s connecting with all of you and hearing your story. I always walk away learning something new and my extroverted heart could not be happier!
A few updates that have been going on as of late – we finished the chicken coop and have been enjoying our 15 chickens running around and we are starting to finally get fresh eggs, how cool is that?! Wally the farm cat is still with us and enjoying every second.

Photo Credit: Sweet Light Studio
The farm has been a labor of love over the last two years when we offcially moved in. Much of it is thanks to my husband who has worked so hard! In the last two years, we have been trying to slowly bring our 1910 Victorian Farmhouse back to life. We put in a new septic system, fixed fencing, painted the house, fixed rotted wood siding, re-did the wrap around porch (the whole darn thing), built a chicken coop, ripped out old fencing, and fixed a flooded basement issue from a ton of rain this past Spring.
With all the headaches, surprises and frustrations along the way, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

(Outfit Details: Sweatshirt, Watch, Jeans)
I want to leave you with an excerpt from one of my very first blog posts: “I’m reminded of what’s right in front of me. We have an old house – full of possibilities and potential. It’s a good reminder that choosing the “harder” thing can be the most rewarding.”
Just like our house, your life is full of possibilities and potential and I encourage you to keep dreaming and moving forward – at your own pace.
-Natalie, xo
Photo Credit: Willow & Wren Photography

(Looking for more life posts? Explore more here!)
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