Watching my 7 year old score his first ever game soccer goal really got me thinking . . . a lot actually. First things first, I have never felt so much thrill, and so much excitement for him that day as I watched the ball make it perfectly into the net. The best part was I had a great view at the edge of the field and as his mom it was a moment I’ll never forget.
Seeing him cheer with his teammates and the look in his eye was absolutely priceless. I’m sure you can recall a moment you’ve had like this with one of your kids. It’s so special.
After the game while enjoying a well deserved ice cream treat at our favorite spot, I remember thinking, this is the best feeling I’ve had in a while as a parent but why does this feel so momentous?
It’s funny and always strikes me how your kids seem to be teaching you something.
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Outfit Details: Hat, Jumpsuit, Sweater, Sneakers
As we were eating ice cream it dawned on me, his soccer goal that day was years in the making (two+ years to be exact). It reminded me about something really important; that waiting seasons for something you are really hoping for can be really difficult but also really worth it.
He started playing soccer in pre-school and when the summer before Kindergarten came, it was his first time being on a team and learning the game, which included some meltdowns along the way. At that young age, many moms reassured me this was normal, which I was grateful to hear. Because while he was learning, I was also learning. Learning to let him work through the discomfort of figuring it out.
Over the last few years, I saw his love for the sport continue to grow. After finishing second grade, I noticed a more mature sense of wanting to be a better player . . . for himself. Most recently, I remember the time I was looking for him around the house. After searching, I found him in the basement with his soccer ball running around. I asked what on earth he was doing. He said, “I’m training and I’m practicing!!” As I looked around I also noticed his watch on the side table and asked “why aren’t you wearing your watch?” He replied, “I set the timer, I’ve got an hour and fifty minutes left!!” I said, “you know you don’t have to be down here doing this.” He responded, “I have to mom, if I’m going to get better.”

I chuckled walking back up the stairs looking at him wearing one of my elastic bands I use to work out as a make shift sweat band on his head while thinking about this idea of surrendering the season.
As I watched him score his first ever game goal, it unlocked something inside me. I thought about the years he worked so hard, hoping to “get” the goal. All the long practices, falling down, trying to learn the game, missing shots, not having his best try-out for a new team and being discouraged, to then FINALLY scoring a game goal after two years was just an incredible day.
While the goal was awesome, what struck me more, was “how long” he waited for that moment. A lot of times it can feel so discouraging when you are hoping for something in your life. And that’s a normal feeling we can all relate to.

Outfit Details: Hat, Jumpsuit, Sweater, Sneakers
It’s through the waiting, that provides a beautiful opportunity to surrender the end result, the outcome, the hope, the dream. Because when you are able to let go of the outcome, you are able to find joy in the process.
My word of the year is surrender and boy that word has been really showing up everywhere and I’m grateful. Learning to surrender, takes the pressure off, keeps you adaptable and ready for what’s ahead. And that is a great feeling; doing what you have to do and then letting it go.
Watching the game goal from the sideline that day reminded me of the old adage, “good things come to those who wait.” What a beautiful statement, one that’s even more beautiful when it’s right in front of you.

Photo Credit: Alexis Chanel Photography
Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
-Natalie, xo

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