Hi friends! So glad you are here today and I’m even more excited to welcome you to my brand NEW launch – family photo styling! Consider me your new family photo stylist, helping you curate the right outfits so you can step into your next family photoshoot with confidence and walk away with lasting memories knowing you got it right!
This has been in the works for quite some time and I’m finally happy to be sharing it with all of you. Style has been a part of my life from a young age – I’ve always appreciated a good outfit! I believe how you present yourself not only boosts your confidence but also transforms how you feel.
To continue with this exciting launch, I want to introduce you to another photographer – Allison Jagoda, with Sweet Light Studio located here in Minneapolis. Allison has been behind the camera since she opened her Minneapolis studio in 2001. With a background as a commercial photographer shooting models for companies like Fisher Price, Target, Best Buy, and Parenting Magazine she decided to start a high-end portrait business as well. Allison’s casual approach to photography promises to delight every family member. Unposed and loosely structured, sessions with her are relaxed, candid and fun. It’s this very dynamic, that I believe sets her apart.
With that, I wanted to give YOU some tips and tricks on how to get it right from Allison’s perspective. I had a chance to sit down with her at my own photoshoot in her studio (yay!) in Northeast Minneapolis and we got talking about all the things! What Allison has to say includes some good advice you’ll want to remember as you plan for your next family studio photoshoot so you walk away with beautiful family memories.

Q & A
Q: In your opinion, what is the single most important thing or your top tip for a family to remember if they are considering a studio photoshoot?
A: Bring lots of options to wear, especially for the kids. I can help you decide when you arrive what will photograph best. And having a backup outfit is helpful in case a baby spits up on you as we are shooting!
Q: What are the benefits of having a family photoshoot in the studio?
A: It’s a controllable space for weather and lighting. I always suggest the studio as a backup location if weather does not cooperate for plans we’ve made at a location. Families tend to enjoy the benefit of children staying clean and dry in their photo outfits. My studio is designed to be light and minimal with décor so your family remains the focus of image not the environment. This also creates a timelessness to your images.

Q: Advice when little ones get restless where the shoot can start to feel challenging? Any tips on turning things around or tips for the family to keep in mind during the shoot? (I know you can attest to a few of these moments with our family when Cameron was little – I will say, having had those experiences is normal and funny enough those became some of our favorite photos!)
A: I like to keep things moving so it stays exciting for kids. I often do this by trying different games with
kids and changing up posing to make it into something that is fun for them. When they want to be involved in what we are doing then I get the best images. I may ask you to suggest a favorite song they like so we can sing together. Or you might know the perfect faces or sounds to make them laugh. That’s where your expertise is helpful. And there is nothing wrong with taking a break and doing something fun in the studio for a slight change of pace or scenery before trying pictures again.
Q: From your perspective what color palettes work well in the studio? I would love to get your thoughts on neutral palette versus a colorful palette when choosing outfits. Does one work better than the other or is it a matter of personal preference?
A: It is completely your personal preference. Both look stunning with a white studio space as a background.

Q: What silhouettes photograph the best in the studio? Anything people should stay away from that doesn’t photograph well?
A: For adults the best thing to wear is something you feel confident in because it flatters your favorite
parts of your body. Try clothing on first for yourself and children. Coming with brand new clothes that turn out to be the wrong size once you try them on in the studio will be too late.
Q: When it comes to kids clothing, what are some of your favorite looks you’ve photographed or key pieces that work well for girls and boys?
A: For children having a well fitting diaper cover up or leggings for girls will help underpants/diapers from showing. Avoid lots of layers and collared shirts on babies. They tend to bunch up into their faces when seated and look distracting. Simple 1 piece outfits usually photograph best. Especially the ones without a lot of snaps because they create a bunch of gaps along the clothing lines that don’t lay flat. If your child is sensitive to some fabrics make sure you prepare outfits that they will be comfortable and happy to wear. If your child hates wardrobe changes then come wearing the most complicated outfit to put on and an easier outfit to change into at the studio for any additional looks.

Q: What are your thoughts on props for a studio shoot?
A: I like to keep props at a minimal, so the focus is the people and not the objects. But if objects tell a story then they are important to include. Especially items from home that you want to bring that tell the story of what your child loves at their stage in life, or books or activities you like to do together as a family.
Q: When you see families that come away with fantastic photos, what do you think sets them apart and what are the key ingredients so others can take note?!
A: Although I personally love a photo where everyone is styled in a coordinated but not matching style, my favorite images are the ones where families are having fun being together. That looks different for every family so my goal is to work on bringing you all closer together in moments where you are feeling joy. Mentally prepare yourself and your family with a goal to have fun together instead of a focus on “we all have to smile at the camera and look good.” If you are having fun the kids WILL smile their best, because let’s face it, nobody likes a forced smile from a teen or little kid in photos. You’ll never hear me to tell your kids to “smile”, but you may hear me ask them to laugh.

If you are local to Minneapolis and are looking for a new photographer, make sure to consider Sweet Light Studio for your next family photoshoot. You can check out more of her portfolio on Instagram at @sweetlightstudio and also get in touch on her website here.
1 – Focus on having fun versus trying to make it perfect. A change in mindset can make all the difference!
2 – Bring extra outfit options for the little ones. You never know when a outfit can get wiped out due a spill, a diaper change or random wardrobe malfunction.
3 – Plan your outfits ahead of time! Trying on clothes the day of the shoot hoping it’s going to come together is risky at best and more importantly, knowing you have something that makes you feel confident walking into the shoot can really take your photos to the next level.

So . . . are you inspired for your next family photoshoot, but still feeling overwhelmed by what to wear? I hear you! My advice – don’t wait until the last minute, finding yourself stressed with shopping or worse, having nothing to wear. Let’s get in touch, so I can help you create something beautiful for you and your family!
I’ve got you covered whether you are looking for outfit inspiration or have a budget in mind. Learn more about my pricing and packages here and let’s start planning! Don’t hesitate to reach out with additional questions at info@natalieellis.com
Let’s get you and your family styled and ready to go!

(Looking for more style/fashion posts? Explore more here!)
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